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    BST eltromat International GmbH

    Heidsieker Heide 53


    +49 5206 999-0

    The non-contact scanning of the web of material is carried out by detecting contrasts in light conditions. A CCD Cam 100 can scan up to eight contrast transfers. CCD Cam 100 by BST eltromat • Resolution of up to 60,000 pixels by a microprocessor controlled CCD chip • Adaptation of the viewing range to the specific application by selecting from a range of different lenses • Camera parameters adjustable for change of material while machine is running (no change-over time required) • Quick set-up and camera alignment via an integrated graphic display • Simple operation using various automatic functions (for example, the removal of interfering contrasts, compensation for contamination, white balance, and storage of the set-up values) • The production and adjustment parameters can be transmitted more quickly and more securely by networking via the BST bus system Field of application: • Digital scanning of web edges, printed edges or printed lines • Web center-line guiding, web width measurement • Control of tools or other machines (tracing of cutting knives, etc.)

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